Specialised Services

United Pumps Australia offers a number of specialised services to support it’s clients’ needs. These include the design and manufacture of reverse and re-engineered parts, a large spare parts division and stock management services. In addition, UPA also offer a world class pump testing and repair centre.

Manufacturers can disappear from the market and parts can be difficult and or incredibly expensive to obtain, with some no longer available. United Pumps Australia reverse engineering department offers a solution in which spare parts can be quickly and cost effectively reproduced.
UPA’s spare parts service is committed to providing comprehensive support and assistance to customers. As well as re-engineering, it also offers a pump upgrade service; optimising components with regard to material, geometry, flow dynamics and modern techniques. Incorporating material upgrades and design improvements to components, maintenance costs and lead times can be significantly reduced.
Some of the benefits of United Pumps Australia’s reverse engineered spare parts service include:
short delivery times
replacements for original parts that are no longer available
longer service life thanks to upgraded design, higher-grade or more appropriate materials for your application

United Pumps Australia offers a world class pump testing facility, servicing all pump models (not just United brands or centrifugal pumps).
The facility has two separate closed loops and an open loop for deep well verticals, vacuum tank NPSH testing and differential heads exceeding 1,800m. UPA offers facilities capable of testing all pumps, including high voltage drivers, NPSH, noise and FFT vibration testing.
Testing can be performed to ISO 9906, ANSI/HI14.6 and API 610 tolerances, or other standards by arrangement.
Shop drivers and auxiliary seal, cooling and force feed lubrication systems are available to facilitate testing of bare pumps that have been returned from the field. UPA can benchmark test pumps before and after repairs to demonstrate efficiency and vibration signature.


United Pumps Australia control manufacture with a detailed Quality Management System, accredited by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited to AS/NZS ISO9001


31 Western Avenue, Sunshine, Victoria 3020
Deliveries: 11 Patterson Avenue, Sunshine Vic 3020
P.O. Box 348, Sunshine, Victoria 3020
Phone: +613 9464 9500  Fax: +613 9312 6371
Email: unitedpumps@unitedpumps.com.au

Registered Name: U.C.P AUSTRALIA  Pty Ltd
Commonly Known As: U P A
ABN: 37 006 317 979

Safety Health & Environment: ISN Supplier ID 400-166-286